14 years old
The average age that a girl is sold for sex is 14 years old.
100 girls
are sold 10-12 times a night in the state of Georgia.
1 in 4 girls
will be sexually exploited by the age of 18.
Who We are
Gigi's House is a faith-based home dedicated to serving girls ages 13-19 who are victims of sex trafficking. In addition to safe housing, we provide individual and group trauma-informed therapy with a licensed therapist, home-school, mentoring, life skills and daily self-confidence building activities.
impact so far...
"Gigi's House showed me how to accept love, and that my past will never define me."
"Without Gigi's House I would still be on the streets."
"I was finally able to feel what it felt like to be loved."
"Had it not been for Gigi's House I think I would be dead."
we need you

Our future Education Center
We have Expanded!
In the Fall of 2022, we cut the ribbon on our new 10 bedroom Home and broke ground on our new Education / Office building. The Home allows us to serve 10 more girls and the Education / Office will allow us to provide more programs and hire more staff to help our clients ! We are so excited for this new expansion but we are in need of people like you to help us finish the Education / Office building!