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Video Messages

Below are some of our State Leaders who are working to put the issue of Sex Trafficking at the forefront in Georgia.  Scroll down to see Georgia's First Lady Marty Kemp, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, Senator Brian Strickland, Henry County Commission Chair Carlotta Harrell, Clayton County Commission Chair Jeff Turner, Henry County Sheriff Reginal Scandrett, and Founder Sabrina Crawford messages...

First Lady Marty Kemp_400x400.jpg

Georgia's First Lady Marty Kemp

First Lady of Georgia, Marty Kemp, is a small business owner, community volunteer, wife, and mother of three daughters. Married for twenty-seven years, the Kemps have three daughters - Jarrett, Lucy, and Amy Porter. As Georgia’s First Lady, Marty Kemp has made a commitment to the fight against human trafficking.  

Attorney General Chris Carr

Chris Carr was appointed by Governor Nathan Deal and sworn into office as Georgia's 54th Attorney General on November 1, 2016. On November 6, 2018, Carr was elected by the people of Georgia to serve a full 4-year term.

Senator Brian Strickland

Brian Strickland is a member of the Georgia State Senate, representing District 17. He assumed office on January 16, 2018 with his term ending 2023.

Henry County Board of Commissioners
Chairwoman Carlotta Harrell

Chairwoman Carlotta Harrell was elected as the Chair of the Henry County Board of Commissioners to begin her term on January 1, 2021. 

Clayton County Board of Commissioners
Chairman Jeff Turner

Chairman Jeffrey E. Turner was elected as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners in August 2012. 

Henry County
Sheriff Reginald Scandrett

A community-oriented 27-year resident of Henry County, Sheriff Reginald Scandrett was elected to office 2020. 

Gigi's House Founder
Sabrina Crawford

Gigi’s House was inspired by a spiritual awakening within its founder Sabrina Crawford when she realized that her community was one of the largest gateway hubs for commercial sexual exploitation (CSE).

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